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God's Restoration Ministries True Deliverance and Miracles vision is to make disciples and launch them out to plant churches and homes all over the world. We will have homes free of charge not only for just women but for men as well. We will also have schools and daycare's all over the world. To raise up a generation that knows how to fight the devil with the word. A generation that will look to the hills which comes their help. A generation that instead of running to pick up a phone or a remote controller they are running to pick up their Bible. It's time to get mad at the devil and take back from him our younger generations by teaching them the right way to live from a young age.
To raise them up in the Lord instead of letting the televisions or streets raise them. We will also have clothing stores all over the world with nothing but modest clothing and apparel. In every store you go into these days; you see clothing either to small, too short, too tight, it has inappropriate writing on it or just all around not enough material. No more having to shop for hours to really find just anything that would be appropriate. We will also have barber shops all over the world. In these barber shops Jesus will be the main topic of discussion. No more cussing, vulgar joking, secular music, just Jesus. It will be a good place for any generation.
God's Restoration Ministries
True Deliverance and Miracles
P.O. Box 270153
Dallas, Tx. 75227
Copyright www.GodsRestorationMinistries.com 2025