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God's Restoration Ministries True Deliverance and Miracles target is anyone and everyone who wants to go deeper in the Lord. People who are sick and tired of church as usual. People who are tired of seeing the church members being bound and just standing around doing and saying nothing. For people who want a closer relationship with the Lord. For men and women who come out of prison and they want to continue their transformation in the Lord.
For people who are homeless and people who are struggling with addictions and are sick and tired and are ready to learn where they need to start to get true help. For men or women who have been abused and their children; Who are ready to get a relationship with Jesus. The only person who will truly never leave them nor forsake them, nor ever use them or abuse them. Our target is anyone and everyone who is ready to surrender their life over to the Lord.
God's Restoration Ministries
True Deliverance and Miracles
P.O. Box 270153
Dallas, Tx. 75227
Copyright www.GodsRestorationMinistries.com 2025